The Financial Planners’ Guild, India ( FPGI ) is an association of Practicing Financial Planners/ Advisors who are also SEBI Registered Investment Advisers ( RIAs ). The aim of this association is to create awareness about Financial Planning among the public, promote professional excellence and ensure high quality practice standards.

The first portion of the mission of the Guild is to create awareness about Financial Planning at the public level, which would benefit the people at large.

People go through life without even knowing that they require a blueprint to achieve their life goals. Most times, they have not even thought about their life goals. We have taken it upon ourselves to create awareness, as people do not seem to know about financial planning, which is at the heart of their well-being. It is time people became aware about financial planning and how it can help them.

Towards this end, we would conduct seminars and workshops for groups of people in companies & associations. We also organize public seminars where people can enroll and participate. We also maintain a blog to educate the public on financial planning & personal finance domain. Also, we have a good media presence through which we endeavor to educate the public.

The second portion of our mission is to set high professional standards & promote professional excellence. We hence have internally directed training sessions & discussion forums where matters of professional import are discussed. We also have meetings & annual conferences to upgrade ourselves professionally.

The members of this association would need to have very good knowledge and understanding of the Financial Planning domain, as they are expected to shape up as some of the best in the business. The association members are committed to highest level of integrity & ethics in all their dealings with their clients.

This association is to shape the practice standards in India in the years to come and is expected to evolve to be the Gold Standard in Financial Planning. This association is to be treated like the “Mensa Club” of Financial Planning.