• We are

    Oldest Association
    of Financial Planners in India

    Personal Financial planning is crucial as it provides a roadmap to achieve the goals and create wealth by managing the available resources effectively.  It starts with assessing current personal and financial situations, setting realistic objectives, understand the journey ahead and devising strategies to attain them. Financial planning shows the pathway to financial independence and peace of mind!

  • We are

    SEBI Registered
    Investment advisers.

    A blueprint is necessary irrespective of the income level or the wealth status. When we want to construct a home on a piece of land, we first get a blue print done before we start the construction. The same approach is needed with ones finances. FPGI members can help there.

  • We are

    Financial Planners.

    FPGI members invest in their ongoing learning and upgradation. Being a part of FPGI itself is one such initiative where we share best practices, experiences, participate in seminars/ workshops organised to enhance our knowledge and stay at the cutting edge of the profession.

  • We are


    FPGI has the unique distinction of having members where more than 50% are published authors! This is an elite group of professionals who have been in the field of financial advisory for a longtime and many of our members are torch bearers of the profession itself!

  • We have

    500+ years of
    Collective Experience

    FPGI members are all fee-only advisors and are mostly senior and illustrious members of the advisory profession. Any one of them will be able to assist members of the public with their finances and provide unbiased advice. Picking someone from this list is an easy way to choose a great advisor, without second guessing what their intention truly is.

Who We Are

Welcome To FPGI

The Financial Planners’ Guild, India is an association where all members of are Registered Investment Advisers ( RIAs ) under the SEBI Investment Adviser Regulations 2013.  Those registered under this regulation, have a Fiduciary responsibility where they are required to put the client’s interest above everything, including their own interests. In a nutshell, this is a new class of advisers who will be on the client’s side & will guide them with their best interests in view.

Our members are mostly senior practitioners with years of experience in Financial Planning & Advisory. We are by design a small group, an intimate group limited to about 30 or so. This ensures good personal interactions and bonding; we get to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The membership is by invitation only.

SEBI, through their Investment Adviser Regulations 2013, created a new category of Financial Advisers who are client-centric, need to be conflict free and do everything in their client’s best interests. These RIAs would be able to play the role of trusted advisors, like the doctors or lawyers play in their domain.

Clients are looking for unbiased advice from their advisors in the area of finances. However, they do not get that mostly as product sellers double up as advisors. Clients are happy that they get advice for free. They do not realise that such advice would not be in their best interests. That is where fee-only advisors who work for the benefit of the client, are independent, conflict-free and work in the client’s best interests are the right people to access advice from.

SOME OTHER initiative

Other Initiatives

FPGI Summer Internship Program

The Financial Planners Guild, India (FPGI) invites talented Commerce and Management students to participate in our Summer Internship Program. This unique opportunity offers hands-on experience in the dynamic field of financial planning and aims to contribute to the growth and development of aspiring professionals.

FPGI Corporate Workshops

Discover the transformative power of FPGI corporate workshops, brought to you by a group of SEBI registered financial planners dedicated to enriching the financial acumen of your organization. Our workshops offer a myriad of benefits tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses